", "Life is not separate from death. Read our, Remembering a Loved One During the Holidays, Differences Between Normal and Complicated Grief, Turning to Grief Counseling When You Need Help, 5 Stages of Grief When Facing a Terminal Diagnosis, Signs You Are Experiencing Disenfranchised Grief, How to Deal with the Grief of Losing a Child. Aumai le u matatasi e fana a'i le lupe ua i le filifili. In the estimation of the Samoans the death of the wife or a little child is to be counted among these. When day broke the latter saw that his plan had miscarried. To bait the manuali'i, a bunch of bananas was used (No. 92. Mounting anger over the weekend reporting of the death of a Samoan transwoman in Apia has spilled over into New Zealand with prominent transrights campaigner Phylesha Brown-Acton saying the Samoa Observers coverage has left her absolutely disgusted, reports Gay NZ. Poems about death and losscan add another dimension, bringing to life emotions that prose or sayings cannot express. Applied to petty quarrels between families which are not of a political character and do not threaten the general peace of the community. The ta'amu is a coarse, little-esteemed species of taro. 101. 125. According to Kraemer the hunters climb the rock and kill the sleeping birds or seize them with their hands. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa, applied to things that were well begun, but ended badly. Pull out the weeds between the ti plants. (Samoan Proverb) The grasshopper flies about, but the kingfisher watches him. The fish caught in the net looks for some advantage, namely for a hole through which it may regain its liberty. It flies where it will and the others follow. Later the shark went to Foa and proposed to Sinafalemoa, the daughter of the chief. Upu fa'aaloalo applied to the wife of a chief or a tulafale: May you be blessed with many children. The seeming weakness of the octopus. Upu fa'amafanafana used at the death of a matai who leaves relatives as his heirs. The busybody's pretended wisdom, therefore, will be of no avail. One is unsuccessful because of weakness, stupidity or for other reasons; the other meets with success. I am not competent to judge how the unavau's poison is communicated to the pelupelu, whether this happens in the sea or when the two fish are accidentally cooked together. Apia, 1906. Jan 12, 2022 - This post lists famous Samoan quotes, inspiring Samoan sayings and famous Samoan proverbs that give an insight into Samoan beliefs & way of life. ", "If the rich could hire someone else to die for them, the poor would make a wonderful living. The translation is not made in correct English, but as far as possible literally according to the German original. (Only 5 copies made.). Avetu ni lo, aumai ni lo. 10. E lafi a taga usi. Should things take an unfavourable turn, they will then be willing to help you (just as he who is familiar with a fine fish-hook, is able to find a similar one). I think it is simply used as a faianaga, a jest referring to a lean person. Ua se i'a e sola. 104. O le malie ma le tu'u malie. He is like the plate of the drill. Refers to a man who always speaks of building a house, but has neither the energy nor the means to do so. Ala mutiaan old road. Home | About Us | Contact Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service Copyright 2023 Funeralwise, LLC. Apr 8, 2019 - Explore Sam P's board "Samoan quotes" on Pinterest. See No. The saying means, not to reveal a certain matter, such as the commission of an injustice. Fagaiofu goes fishing first. 87. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa or faifai referring to a person who has come to harm through his own fault or that of a relative or friend. Popular Origins. When a village is making a new net, the nearby villages are not allowed to fish for some time before its completion. When the wild yam is mature, the stalks wither and break into pieces. He then awakened the other and went out with her to the reef where he intended to kill and eat her. 2. Upu fa'aalualu: encouragement, persuasion. The top and the bottom are turned back and forth. At last her brother returned, but he had caught nothing. This refers to the preparations for the hunt of the manuali'i. Upu fa'anoanoa: Man is mortal. For example, the Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa (from the LMS tradition) ministers to half of the population there. Upu taofiofi: Soia le si'itia le matalalaga. The Samoans maintain that if the parents were left undisturbed, they would remain with their young and allow themselves to starve to death. When fishing for anae (mullet) the fishermen post themselves around the big net. A net that is beyond repair. The two main islands of Samoa are Upolu and Savaii, one of the biggest islands in Polynesia.More on Samoa from Wikipedia! Quotes tagged as "samoa" Showing 1-9 of 9. The competition had not been conducted according to the rules, but it was a fait accompli. Try the fish line first on land. You love them because together, you bring out the best in each other.. To use thatch a second time. The tautai alone has the right to push down the net and catch the fish. This Samoan expression literally means like grass by the roadside. Let the fishermans bamboo receptacle be completely emptied out. The falling of a ripe coconut. Used of an asembly whose members have come from different villages and who, later on, will disperse again. 196. When fishing for ise we swing the net sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. Upu fa'amoanoa used at the loss of some benefit anticipated or already obtained, particularly when it is lost through negligence. The modern firearm has put an end to the old Samoan sport. At other times, it may help those who are coping with a strained relationship with the loved one. A big fish net is made in parts (tulavae) by individual persons. Tau ina iloa ia i'a. 5. Don't throw away a favourable opportunity. Upu taofiofi: warning, exhortation, appeasement. The torch is tilted over while the flying fish die. (Kraemer's contention that the moamoa is not eaten in incorrect.). Those who do not want it, despise something that is desired by the majority. 8. Please share to your friends: Sightbefore hearsay. Upu faifai or fa'afiti: To refuse a request because the petitioner has previously shown himself unloving and hardhearted. 107. Samoan culture has both ancient and contemporary components to it and these provide the background for its funeral traditions and customs. The former, therefore, is compared to a peace-loving person; the latter, to a quarrelsome one. Mocking words referring to loveless, undutiful parents. Ia moe le ufu, to'a le paipai. Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. O le upega le talifau. 7. 178. O le foe fa'ae'e i le tau. 78. Upu fa'afiti in the sense of: Ou te le iloa le loto o lena ali'i. The word falute originally referred only to mats; it is now also applied to other things that must be gathered up evenly. Samoan and English are official languages. It is the belief of the Samoans that the turtle lurks near her eggs on the beach and that she catches and eats her young as soon as they are hatched. ", "Who is old and doesn't believe it, will trip into his grave without seeing it. When two men are in partnership, they must be of one mind. She simply came to sponge and, sitting by the mother, she smacked her lips covetously until she was reproved for her unseemly behaviour. O le i'a ititi o igaga. Ua sanisani fa'amanuao. Negligence, too, may be the cause of an uneven plait; the woman then usually tries to rectify her mistake in the second half. Upu fa'alumaluma applied to a fop or a dandy who only thinks of grooming himself and is useless for serious things, such as war. 99. One is for the birds approaching in front, the other for the birds coming from the right and the third for those from the left. Ua se aga e tasi. Refers to a chief of the second rank who gives an order which no one obeys. Required fields are marked *, CALL: (415) 431-3717Hours: 9AM-5PM PST. Ann of Palliat Med. The tia are close together but it is long way from one to the other. of tautai) advances an opinion regarding fishing or navigation, he receives the answer: O le va'ai a le tauta. Famous Samoan Proverbs (Alagaupu) & Samoan Sayings, How To Say Hello In Samoan + Other Useful Samoan Greetings, 17 Tongan Proverbs, Quotes & Sayings + Their Meanings, How To Say Happy Birthday In Samoan. Tuamafa is an old pigeon, the leader of the flock. 16. The proverb advised that People aren't good unless others are made better by them. The sponging of the Matamea crab. Proverbial Sayings of the Samoans. The tying is done on the evening before the fishing expedition. Si'i le matalalaga. Upu fa'amaulalo and upu faifai. When the Matala'oa people go fishing, they fish and wrap up. The alamea is a spiny sea star. Funerals are flooded with gifts for the family. Like the twisting of a cord. 80. Upu fa'aalualu: (1) In a discussion each one should tell his opinion unreservedly; only then can the right decision be reached. The igaga is only a tiny fish. (Kraemer II, 416, says the unavau is the poisonous stage of the pelupelu.) ", "All things grow with time, except grief", "Live your own life, for you will die your own death. Upu taofiofi: Act after mature reflection. Upu fa'aaloalo: Respectful term used to designate a full meeting. O le sapatu moe 'ese. There the instruments remain together, one knowing the other. The sea cucumber always held with the victor. This Samoan quote is used when a beloved chief dies. For a certain kind of night fishing the Samoans use a particular net called tapo. Upu fa'amaulalo meaning: If I have caused some trouble, such as a quarrel, I must try my best to set things right. Matala'oa was a bush village in Falealili, inland of Poutasi. The crab dies by its own leg. Samoans follow a code of living and culture called the Faa Samoa which means the Samoan Way. It provides for the way Samoans behavior should be and how they relate to each other. The select circle of orators and chiefs gather together to share speeches, recite genealogies, consume a popular plant called kava and finish the process by celebrating with a feast prepared by the new members family. 67. A fishing expedition may have no success, but a suspicion usually has some ground for it. Ua fano lua i masa. Ua se tava'e le ausu i le fulu. O le mafuli a puou. The Samoans compare this state of repose to grief and mourning and maintain that the matulau is then often seen in company of the gatala. The land where her house stood now belongs to Chief Auva'a. 82. From honoring the person who died to supporting surviving family or friends, these time-honored proverbs reflect these vast differences in how people view and approach the loss of a loved one. Put the gouge aside. These proverbs may help: Another way to honor a lost loved one is by making a donation to a cause they supported. If the tautai has no luck, people will say it is the punishment for some sin he has committed and that he must try again until he makes a catch. 126. Upu faifai referring to a person who meddles with other people's affairs without the slightest reason. 189. Verywell Health content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Fallen off a high coconut palm. 139. 131. The coconut tree doesnt sway on its own, but is swayed by the wind. In the existing Samoan literature the proverbial expressions have suffered woeful and undeserved neglect. He is secure in the net. The saying is used when some person meets with some unexpected fortune while his thoughts and actions were directed to something else. Refers to the weeds growing between the houses. Sei fono le paa mona vae. From various other sources I had the following: Two men undertake a job. Applied to people who meet and take counsel together. 121. However, another aitu named Pagoa was lurking there and ate up those who had escaped the eels. Tupua Tamasese Lealofi III led the Mau on a march down the Beach Road of Apia to meet other members of the movement who had just returned from deportation to Auckland. They can comfort those who are mourning alone or help you as you write a eulogy or pen a condolence letter. 105. In vain rejoices the drill plate when the drill point is broken. Ua fa'afugafuga gutulua fa'apea. 17. Se'i to le niu i le tua'oi. Ua pona i vao, 'ae liai'iina i ala. Fa'ae'e ia le 'au'au, 'ae tatou velo 'aso i ai. This was the original meaning of the proverb. Saying "hello" is as simple as ml in an informal setting. Ua fa'atagito'a. In the days of yore Tuiuea (the king of Uea or Wallis) came to this village. 106, with particular stress on the fact that the homeless person gets no consideration. It is also used as an upu fa'amaulalo, an apology to the receiver whom courtesy then requires to praise the value of the gift. To tie together two pieces of fau. Cancel. In order for a Samoan to be accept and respected and therefore find themselves, they must follow the rules of their people. ", "The only truly dead are those who have been forgotten. Another explanation is as follows: For the capture of the dolphin (masimasi) the hook is baited with flying fish. A council meeting in which no decision is reached. Patupatu amo fale. Ua fuifui fa'atasi, 'ae vao 'ese'ese. 78): E le'i mitimiti papata. Some maintain that ufu is the name of a certain fish and paipai the substance secreted by it. Ia a le puga, a le 'ana, or la a le puga niisi, a le 'ana niisi. It looks as if it were all made with one and the same mesh-stick. Their village being so far inland, they knew how to appreciate their catch. 117. Translated into English by H. Neffgen, Govt. 29. If the apprentice passed the test, the carpenter said: Ua vela lana umuhis oven is hot. CM Punk. ", "An advantage of poverty, your relatives gain nothing by your death. The Tulafales Role: Samoan Oratorial Traditions for Death and See also the next three proverbs. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Vaomua of Saua in Satupaitea (Savai'i) was building a big boat. 154. (2) At a reconciliation the opponents should openly confess the cause of their dissatisfaction, so that permanent peace may be concluded. He then fits it in place and with his wooden mallet (tafao) hammers it down, his assistant holding it. O le upega e fili i le po, 'ae talatala i le ao. 28. Proverbs and folk sayings about death, grief, and mourning from a variety of cultural traditions can sometimes speak the words you are unable to express yourself. Tau ina uia o le ala o le atu. The more formal ways to say this are: Hello (polite). The family is the most significant socio-political element of Samoan society. They may resume fishing, however, a little while after the new net has been tried out for the first time. Samoan phrases are a group of words functioning as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. Upu faifai referring to a person who feigns love and affection. In every generation there are some outstanding chiefs. O le ala ua mutia, 'ae le se ala fati. The big net has been spread out in the sea. The crab brags about its legs. The denial of the fisherman. When a decoy bird refuses to call, people say it is to'iastricken (with sickness or obstinacy). Words of encouragement: Let us die together. The word savini means the beating of the young birds' wings at their first attempts to fly. O le lupe o le taeao. Upu faanoanoa or alofa referring to a person who has come to harm through anothers fault. The Samoans say that the greedy heron eats all the fish it catches and brings nothing to its family. 58. Like this post? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Matalaoa suspected him of having illicit intercourse with her brothers wife, so she watched him and found her suspicions confirmed. 128. Ua 'atoa le faga i Laua. Ia ta'amilo pea ma tautala. A Samoan saying about life which means even though life takes us in different directions, we will always find our way back to our loved ones. Samoan Gather the breadfruit from the farthest branches first. A fisherman who has lost his hooks may approach another canoe, take hold of a fish line and remove the fish-hook. When the cup was presented to the black tern the gogo sina (white tern) said, Don't give him any kava; let him drink water; he has disgraced his family.. A fai 'ea a'u mou titi se'ese'e? Pepe made a strange catch. Upu fa'amafanafana: comforting, consolatory expressions. If the assistant is inattentive and looks away, the plank will not fit in and the work miscarries. The aggrieved person usually leaves it to another to utter this reproach unless he is unable to contain his anger. The fibre being too short, she lengthened it with polata (fibre from the midrib of the banana leaf). For the next harvest the old lou will be fetched again or a new one will be made. Blessed is the moon; it goes but it comes back again. Upu fa'afiti, fa'amaulalo: ou te le toe si'itia le matalalaga. 110. To drill holes that do not meet. So many fish were caught in it, that the boats could not hold them and many had to be thrown back into the sea. O le poto a lauloa. 43. The Samoan fale is built in such a way that it can be taken into parts to be transported to some other place. When the men prepared for the hunt of the manuali'i they first made an offering to the gods, such as a bunch of bananas. Before bird-catching an offering should be made. Some were destroyed by the eels, others by Pagoa. (LogOut/ A careless person will be taken by surprise by his watchful enemy. Apia is the only city in Samoa and falls within the political district of Tuamasaga. 25. Lua mata is a figure of speech for a small taro patch; to 'ese is elliptical for toto i se mea 'ese. Family responsibility and the care of family land are the keys to the culture. Don't be overhasty. A worthless bird flies over the tia. They also decided that the Fijian method of fishing being so unsatisfactory, should no longer be taught to others. The matai takes precedence and must be given what is best. A Samoan proverb about resolving conflict. ", "Everybody will undergo the sentence of the grave. The thief soon found out that the fetish did not harm him, so he stole again. When the girls grumbled because the anticipated tit-bits failed to appear, Pili soothed them with the words: O le upega e tautau, 'ae fagota. Same meaning as No. Malu i puega. Instead of the gentle, steady trade wind, they prayed for a stormy westerly that would cause the leaves to fall down and save them the trouble of climbing up the trees. This phrase literally means he is a lizard crawling however it is actually used to describe a disobedient person. The death of the head of the family, on the other hand, is considered a great loss. A strong-willed, wise man who is unsuccessful in a first attempt, will try again. If they work in common, one will rely on the other and nothing is done. When one party has, with much trouble, conquered another and established a government, it has to watch lest its newly acquired power be wrested from it. 184. 3. The explanation given by Pratt to seek an occasion to quarrel is incorrect. Applied to a thing done so hurriedly that order and care suffer; for instance, a hurried journey in which things are forgotten. Samoan A decision made at night may be changed in the morning. 170. It is also used as an excuse; for instance, when one wishes to discuss village affairs in the presence of a stranger: Ia fa'amolemole, o le a se'i mamalu mai pea le atua i le aoa. I am fishing because I have helped to make a fata. 157. Finally she added another piece of fau and the cord held. It is also used as an upu faifai to repulse someone's interference. To be taken unawares. 172). Upu fa'amaulalo, fa'anoanoa or alofa referring to a person who has neither home nor family. The saying means: To countermine another's evil designs. The offering was called fa'asao a manu vao. The god gave him a fetish (tupua) which the man hung up in an aoa tree (banyan). In Asau, Savai'i, the soil is very stony. 112). Samoan May it end with threats and not come to blows. 6. Ua fa'afaiva o matu'u. 123, 201. Upu faifai applied to a community (family, village, district) composed of many but unimportant individuals. 149. Samoan custom requires that a man who has caught many fish, give a few to his neighbour who has not caught any. This is the u ta'afale. He neither searches the holes nor does he dig away the mud. I am a man who must obey orders. When these migrant members attend a funeral in their homeland, they will pay to get there and bring a good amount of money with them. Sometimes a touch or simply looking the grieving spouse or family member in the eye is all that is needed to provide comfort. E 'asa le faiva, 'ae le 'asa le masalo. Upu fa'aaloalo or fiafia. E tenetene fua le livaliva, 'ae sagasaga 'ai le vili ia. To come like a fish in the night. Pratt translates: Better have a small plantation of your own, than be joined with another. We must be of one mind in the undertaking. Like a bird caught in its nest. Upu faifai applied to a restless person or a chatterbox. 118. Upu fa'aaloalo: expressions of respect and courtesy. All endeavours to effect a reconciliation prove in vain. List of Phrases in Samoan Below is a list of the phrases and daily expressions in Samoan placed in a table. La'ulu is the name of a reef near Falealupo, very rich in fish. 147. A pair of fish-hooks tied together is called talaga. Like a pigeon sitting on the pola (plaited coconut leaves used to enclose the sides of a house). Thus people say, Ua se i'a e moe o mauga o Savai'i. When a family wishes to lay out a big taro plantation, it is well that a specified spot be apportioned to each member. The 'apoa have spines on the back and breast. Ia uluulu matafolau. Thus say the hunters when, entering the bush, they notice no sign of the game. (The fable evidently owes its origin to the fact that the sea cucumber's anus may easily be mistaken for a mouth.). 77. The twisting is done with the right hand on the right thigh, the cord at the same time being wound up with the left hand. A couple of white pearl shell fish-hooks. The sail is, therefore, somewhat lowered until it hangs in an inclined position (sipa). Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. O le sapatu motu pa. There isn't a right or wrong way to grieveonly the way that is right for you. She then related what she had seen. The wild manutagi, hearing the call of the decoy bird, approaches gradually by hopping from tree to tree, before it enters the cage. O le lupe na seu silasila. If the people there wish to lay out a taro plantation, they have much trouble in removing the stones and digging the holes. 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