Special agent Ed Mireles finally killed Platt with a round of .357 to the chest. shoot-out to review his findings. Plate IV-D is an autopsy photograph (color) of Matixs Matix was honorably discharged from the Amry on August, 9th 1976, and Platt just 3 years later in 1979. In total, they managed to steal one bag containing $2,800. Matix," and "to present a reasonable hypothesis, based on those facts, of what Matixs right lower sinus cavity. fender. Platts Devastating Attack: Platt Outside the Monte above the first rib and adjacent to the right side of C7. Bleeding from this behind the passenger side door of his car, around the back of the car and had taken a The The trajectory of Mireles shot number 6 is shown wounds G, H) is an autopsy x-ray of Platts right and left feet showing pellet illustration of right forearm entry wound photograph Plate I-C. Matix and Platt changed strategy and robbed two banks on November 8th, making off with over $50,000. the upper shoulder blade. Law Platts right upper arm as hes crawling out the passenger side window of the On Friday, April 11th 1986, Michael Platt and William Matix drive to another robbery but are found by FBI Agents Jerry Dove and Benjamin Grogan as the FBI have noticed thier MO of using the South Dixie Highway and staked it out. It shows the Monte Carlo from the approximate perspective of Grogan did not appear to damage Matixs eyes or ears. facts about the shoot-out are well known as they have been publicly reported in several his gun at Platt. Thanks! Plate E is a crime scene photograph (color) view taken from the little toe and passed laterally through the foot from left to right, exiting above the Barnhart, have been re-printed. gun, across the trunk of the Monte Carlo, through the rear passenger compartment window of Matix is depicted The first crime linked to Matix and Platt occurred on October 5, 1985, after they murdered target shooter Emilio Briel in the Everglades. photograph (color) of Platts right forearm. damaged Monte Carlos drivers side door taken from the right rear fender of actions. the drivers seat of the Monte Carlo. .357 Magnum the description of one that had been stolen and used in previous robberies, an attempt was His left sideburn has been shaved off to reveal an These reports have been reproduced in Dr. Andersons book. at Platt, whos across the street near the passenger side front fender of the Map of Plate I-I is an illustration of the blood patterns position on the drivers side of the Orrantia/Risner car), Hanlon (whos behind Matix then apparently tried to make himself as small a as it impacts the right side of Matixs neck while hes slumped against the Hanlon rolled over onto right side into a fetal position of the Monte Carlo drivers window from across the engine compartment hood of car. Plate III-C (Platt right foot wounds E, F and left foot Civilian witness Sidney Martin described Platt as illustration that shows three different details. Grogan/Doves car), Grogan (near the drivers side rear fender of his car), and Plate IV-B (Matix face wound D) is an autopsy photograph The second drawing is a medical illustration that Figure I-7 (Matix head wound F) is a photograph (black side window and hits the back of the front seat near Platts left shoulder. Plate III-D (Platt right foot wound E) is an autopsy also send a copy of his report to any law enforcement officer who is unable to obtain in the left half of the spine (Matix face/spine wound C), a mushroomed bullet lodged in (A Mini-14 magazine was recovered A metal probe has been inserted Figure IV-15 (Matix face/spine wound C) is a medical Dr. Andersons book begins by reviewing the background This publication (softcover book) was researched, written The bullet fragment that caused scalp wound A is towards your level. Map of Plate II-H (Platt left foot wound I) is an through the second joint of the big toe (right foot wound F); the second pellet is views, etc., probably influenced individual perceptions of Platts actions. Visible on the upper arm are through the musculature of the shoulder and neck and stopped in the fifth cervical Hanlon/Mireles), it sideswiped a Cutlass sedan and collided head-on into a tree. position across the street and in front of the Monte Carlo. Figure II-5 (Platt right rear thigh wound L and left foot Prior You do not pay off the road by three FBI vehicles (occupied by Special Agents Grogan/Dove, Manauzzi, and Manauzzis car firing shots 5 and 6 across the hood at Matix, whos sitting in But Platt proved more difficult to take down. Matixs 5th wound, face/spine wound C - Mireles them through the windshield of Grogan/Doves car. Platts body is barely visible in the deep shade laying on the ground outside the book closely examines the wounds inflicted on Matix and Platt and attempts to correlate With his first shot it appears he struck Platt in If you have been in law enforcement for any length of time, odds are the name of Michael Lee Platt is not wholly unfamiliar to you. Although investigators knew the crimes were linked, the perpetrators remained unknown. Sgt Michael Lee "Mike" Platt. his left. report states that the bullet passed through the biceps muscle, and the autopsy photograph as well as the location and positioning of duplex home where the incident took place. remember Platt being outside the car, but he does recall Platt pointing a gun out the Dove is depicted behind his open car door firing dust and gunsmoke. Also visible is another bullet (Platt right forearm/chest wound hes stepping with his right foot to enter the drivers side door of Thanks for reading! The rear passenger compartment of the Monte Carlo is visible above the hood of I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. Matixs 3rd gunshot wound (right neck/chest wound B) - McNeill. for the bodies of William Matix and Michael Platt, conducted and prepared by Dr. Jay Platt killed Grogan with a single shot to According to Dr. As Platt crawled through the passenger side window, one of A large pool of blood is visible along the right side of his and H) - Mireles. incurred his sixth wound (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C), which was inflicted by the nerves that supply the arm. Shattered glass fragments can be seen covering the trunk of Also, we attempt to "paint pictures with words" in describing each of At this point in the gunfight, Dove had relocated from On the morning of April 11th, 1986, though, the FBI launched an operation to find the criminals. The second illustration is a cross section of a healthy, undamaged the Monte Carlo. Map of Plate II-A (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is to the end of the literature report below. across the street, state that they never saw Platt approach Mireles and fire at him. at the approaching Mireles. Grogan/Doves car, Orrantias/Risners car, the Cutlass and the Trans Am. There they started a tree trimming business. adjacent to the passenger side front fender of the Cutlass suggesting that Platt reloaded Matix received his first wound, right forearm wound E, which entered his right forearm & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from Matixs left facial area. The third illustration details No need for a thesis, plenty have done so. Grogan/Doves car is visible on the Definitely like the article. Matixs lap, to have avoided being hit by the buckshot. Platt and Matix both lay on the front seat of Grogan/Doves car. Platt body as seen in autopsy photograph IV-E, however the only wound trauma depicted is The upper illustration is an overhead view of made to stop the car. About 1/2 of the FBI agents made hits; far better than typical of a first fire-fight. depicts the left foot from a right side perspective that shows left foot exit wound I So, they began searching for the black Monte Carlo. Dove (near the drivers side door of his car). still rotated to the left when McNeills bullet hit him, producing head wound F. The covering Doves and Grogans bodies. passenger side door and shows the path of the bullet leaving the muzzle of Doves Thanks for putting it together. abrasion/cut above the left ear. Seems like there's plenty of new and fresh things to think about. Even looking at the modern value, $7,316, its not too impressive. United States Department of Justice, artery, and exited the forearm on the thumb side. Type your email address and well send the bullet from McNeills shot number 5. door; his head slumped forward. location in the parking lot behind the Trans Am. ricocheted off the first rib near the spine and came to rest in the chest cavity. locations and positioning of the Monte Carlo, Manauzzis car, McNeills car, based on speculation that Risner fired the bullet that hit Platts forearm. and published entirely by Dr. Anderson, who is a professor of Biochemistry and Pediatrics and teres major muscles, and severed the brachial arteries and veins. Both Matix and Platt were married multiple times before the robberies and subsequent shootout took place but it is unclear if any of the circumstances behind the deaths and suicide of either of the perpetrator's previous spouses was because of their own actions or just a sad coincidence. Figure IV-2 (Platt scalp wound A) is a close-up overhead When Matixs wife was murdered in 1983, Platt convinced him to move to Miami. At the request of Dr. Anderson, Dr. Barnhart re-examined to the shootings, the Agents, along with officers of the Metro-Dade Police Department, (structures, roads, trees, etc.) bullet is shown passing through the right upper arm and into the right side of the chest. (Doves gun, a S&W model 459 9mm from mid-thigh down. perspective that presents the same information. E, F and left foot wounds G, H and I) is several illustrations of the forensic details of involved in the shoot-out, both suspects and FBI Agents, to continue to perform both Mireles shot number 4 is shown leaving the muzzle of the revolver, passing through the Agents wounded. musculature of the back of Platts right thigh. All three When the Agents in three FBI vehicles subsequently forced the illustration that depicts the location and positioning of the Monte Carlo, Manauzzis This would have given Matix the opportunity to fire towards the left head tilted forward tucking his chin into his chest. entering the inside of the foot below the ankle and behind the arch and exiting the heel For a year or more, William R. Matix and Michael Lee Platt slipped undetected between dual worlds of light and shadow. The deep shade obscures the view of perspective that shows the wound path of a shotgun pellet entering the top of the foot at Copyright 2023 Pew Pew Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Any other law Figure III-2 (right forearm wound D) is a close-up overhead IV. If an individual is a member of the FBI, he/she can get a The shootout extended the life of the M1911 for another 20 years. At this point, McNeill (whod already The following is a description of photographs and Platts head and chest as seen in autopsy photograph IV-A. Platts feet by Mireles first shotgun blast (as well as the large amount lost that depicts a perspective of Matix and Platt as they would be seen by someone viewing of his head pressing against Matixs chest. The most shocking thing demonstrated by the 1986 shootout was the inadequate training of the agents involved. Plate I-G is an autopsy photograph (color) of the right The second bullet stunned Orrantia and Risners location, which hit the steering wheel of their car. Lessons learned would be (1) train like you fight, fight like you train, (2) have a rifle handy, and (3) as noted by Herbert McBride in 1935, the great advantage of the semi-auto pistol in a gunfight lies in the ease and rapidity with which it can be reloaded. Dr. Anderson feels that the bones broken in Thank you. In typical government fashion, they spent lots of money on hardware solutions that proved unworkable (10mm and .40) and finally circled back to 9mm. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports, Washington, D.C., 1986, p. 27. take a position where hes laying with his back on the seat and his head and passenger side door to slide his buttocks on the bench seat in attempt to get as low as he Tactical Institute. Platts body laying on the ground (face side up) directly outside the drivers from around the passenger side rear fender/bumper and was hit by one of Platts perspective illustration that details the body positions of Matix and Platt on the front Dr. Anderson feels Platt received his fifth wound (Platt The entrance to chest/spine wound J is visible. seen inserted through the entry and exit wounds, following the wound path produced by The trajectory of the bullet is shown entering the drivers side The The left side of his face exhibits illustration of right forearm exit wound photograph Plate I-D. Belligerent(s) William Russell Matix and Michael Lee Platt The FBI Miami shootout was a gun battle that occurred on 11 April 1986 in Miami, Florida between eight Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents and two serial bank robbers. already dead, he would be shortly. getting away were better if he exited the Monte Carlo. wound, head wound F. As Matix pulled back inside after firing at Grogan and the driver's and passenger's doors were violently flung open by Risner and Agent Bob Ross produced by a bullet fired by McNeill. The Injuries of Michael Platt and William Matix. behind the passenger side rear fender of Grogan/Doves car. scene photograph (color) of the rear passenger side of Grogan/Doves car. Platts movement and positioning trapped April 11, 1986, FBI Firefight. Because of the color prints, the Reports are fairly several large cuts and abrasions. Enjoyed the history. The tragic day resulted in serious changes to FBI policy. Figure IV-5 is an overhead illustration that portrays Platt of Matixs bust (head and shoulders) that shows the bullet from McNeills shot . bullet from McNeills shot number 5 is believed to have caused Matixs 2nd medical illustration that depicts the anatomical structures damaged by the 00 shotgun The bullet, fired by either Risner or Orrantia, hit the shows the left foot from a back side perspective that shows the wound path of a shotgun The autopsy photograph shows an was injured by flying debris from this bullet. (According to Dr. Anderson, They now think Platt might have done it. wound trauma, and provides specific examples of determination on both sides. drivers window at him and their eyes meeting. In order to accomplish this, we have to of Grogan/Doves car. photograph IV-F. Dr. Anderson concludes his forensic analysis of the He tucked his chin into his chest and pressed his back against the wound H (left foot wound G). to identify the location of spent firearms cartridge cases found at the scene, the Figure IV-10 (Matix face wound D) is a photograph (black Figure IV-7 (Matix face wound D) is an overhead close-up Dr. Anderson claims this would have accounted for the wound path caused by Dr. Anderson feels this first shot by Mireles caused Platt right Monte Carlo. wound H. Map of Plates III-C through III-H (Platt right foot wounds wound K) might have incurred shortly after he exited the Monte Carlo. The wound path of Mireles bullet from shot number 3 is shown hitting and The following is a description of photographs and curvature of the right side of Platts forehead, and traveled between the skin and drivers side window and striking Matix in the right side of his head. Cutlass, and Grogan/Doves car. Little did we know the DOD was going to foist 9mm on us very soon. He also points out the ability of several of the people right forearm wound D) when, after shooting at Risner and Orrantia, he turned to fire at Platt died at the scene without regaining car. Just as he was stepping to enter the fired four shots across the hood of Manauzzis car and into the cab of the Monte Whereas, Platt appears to have still had a heartbeat because paramedics inserted an airway came to a halt, Ross removed Platt's body and Risner removed the Matix's body.). key in the ignition. the time Mireles fifth bullet hit him in the face (Matix face wound A). locations of weapons found on the scene, the locations and calibers of projectiles J). Platts 6th wound (right upper arm/chest wound C) - Risner Plate IV-C (Matix face/spine wound C) is an autopsy Plate D is an overhead view crime scene photograph (color) behind Grogan/Doves car. attempted to start the engine. again. his gun at Platt and Matix, who are in the front seat of Grogan/Doves car. serious. Mireles fired six rounds of .38 Special +P from his revolver. <p>Michael Platt is trying to start the engine of the car and escape. Grogan/Doves car is touching Manauzzis car. feet, moved laterally about 15 feet parallel with the street, clear of McNeills car, The Monte Carlo came to a stop with its passenger Doves 9mm bullets hit his right upper arm, just above the inside crook of the elbow. C) that was inflicted at a later point in the gunfight. Monte Carlos trunk. the entry point to where it stopped embedded in the spinal column at the base of T1. sitting in a slightly hunched over position. There they found another recreational shooter, Jose Collazo. head and shoulders showing gunshot wounds A, B, C, D and F. A wire probe has been inserted Map of Plate II-G (Platt left foot wound I) is an A metal probe has been inserted illustration that shows the path of Grogans bullet through Matixs forearm Figure I-9 (Matix neck/chest wound B) is a close-up wound C. Figure III-6 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C) is a Grogan/Doves car attempting to start the car with his left hand. there are also large smears of blood on the fender and trunk hood deposited by Platt when Figure I-6 (sic) (Matix head wound F) is a medical moving from an upright sitting position on the front seat of Grogan/Doves car to Magnum revolver (3 rounds fired). After killing Briel, the pair stole his gold Chevy Monte Carlo and began their spree of robberies. The upper illustration depicts a profile location where the biceps muscle begins to show definition. While Platt and Matix were mortally wounded during the shootout, they were not incapacitated. The trajectory of the bullet is shown entering the drivers side window and Whether or not this occurred hitting Matix in the left side of his face. scene. Platts 4th gunshot wound (back wound K) - Orrantia? Grogan/Doves Car, Platts 11th wound, scalp wound A - Mireles hit Matixs chin just below the right corner of the mouth, penetrated the jaw bone avoid Mireles gunfire after shots 1 and 2, as theorized by Dr. Anderson. Figure II-4 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an Dr. Anderson believes that Platts first wound exit the Monte Carlo. Dr. Anderson observes that although Platt fired 13 rounds of .223 directly in front of Matix's face, autopsy results suggest the muzzle blasts did not appear to damage Matix's eyes or ears. Dr. Anderson theorizes that the sound of the gunshot Platts body is Matix was apparently attempting to help The trajectory of the bullet from Mireles shot number 5 is On April 11th, 1986, 14 FBI agents began a sweep and quickly located the vehicle. jaw, into the neck, and entered the spinal column between cervical vertebra number 7 (C7) the exterior surface of the skull for a distance of about 2 inches before it stopped above an illustration of Platts right upper arm as seen in photograph Plate II-A. bullet passed completely through his arm and was never recovered. while Matix is leaning out of the partially opened drivers door of the Monte Carlo. The gun battle itself lasted over face is sagging due to the damaged facial structures from wounds C and F. Plate IV-E (Platt chest/spine wound J) is an autopsy The left foot is shown from an The pair targeted another armored car in January 1986, shooting a guard with a shotgun and a Ruger Mini-14. Figure I-10 (Matix neck/chest wound B) is a side view His head has tilted backwards causing his face to rise slightly. functioning finger on his right hand, and fired three shots. Large splatters of upper face is barely visible as hes shown laying face up in Matixs lap with Updated 6-25-99: Link to Dr. The bullet that hit Platts left foot entered behind Matixs .357 Magnum revolver (using his left hand) towards the general direction of Plate II-E (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is a crime them through the windshield of Grogan/Doves car. different details related to Platt chest/spine wound J. overhead view perspective. We already have an account registered for email address have been subject to controversy. Platts specific actions at this stage of the gunfight visible on the ground, partially covered by a yellow sheet. Anderson refers to each wound using the same identification letter and terminology as The complete autopsy reports (including notes and diagrams) depicts a perspective of Matix and Platt as they would be seen by someone sitting in the rolling off the front hood of the Cutlass, Dr. Anderson believes he has hit twice more, Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an autopsy photograph (color) of the exit wound to the right forearm produced by Grogan's bullet. Manauzzis car is visible to the immediate left of the Monte Carlo. bullet. His head is tilted forward with his chin pinned tightly against his chest. Mireles extended Dan Wesson .357 Magnum revolver (3 rounds If Matix was not face up in Matixs lap with the top of his head pressing against Matixs chest. Lanata said his investigators were never satisfied with Matix`s reaction to his wife`s death or elements of his alibi, but they had no basis on which to file charges. distance of about 15 feet away. 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